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Category / Series / Product:

Serial converters with triple insulation

All the CNV30 serial converters are designed to provide maximum security and galvanic isolation towards the power supply as well as between the inputs and outputs.

A triple insulation thus provided is the best solution to face the problems of noise and the ground loops typically present in the industrial installations.

Additional Tips
Mathematics 32bit
The maths blocks present in the DS30 and DS5x stepper motor drives allow to execute multiplication, divisions, subtraction and sums at 32bit with sign.

The operands can be motion control registers, I/O registers, user's variables or constants»read more

User variables from 8bit to 32bit
The programmable stepper motor drives belonging to the DS30 and DS5x series allow to freely declare variables with sign with dimension between 1byte and 4byte.

In the DS5x drives these variables can be read or written through the Modbus-RTU»read more

Rms current and peak current
For the stepper motor drives belonging to the xS10, DS30 and DS5x series the phase current is expressed in Arms, i.e. effective current. Instead, other manufacturers characterize their products indicating the peak current (sometimes also referred to»read more
Fast optocouplers
The stepper motor drives beloging to the DS10, LS10 and OS10 series are equipped with fast optocouplers which allow to apply step frequencies of more than 300KHz.»read more
Innovative digital inputs
All the digital inputs present in the stepper motor drives of the xS10, DS30 and DS5x series are optoisolated.

Each optocoupler has an innovative current limiting circuit that allows to supply each input singularly, and independently one from the»read more