Can the analog input be used to regulate the speed?
Yes, each analog input present in the DS30 and DS5x series stepper motor drives can be used to control the motor speed.
The analog input accepts voltages included between -10V and +10V that can be exploited for a monodirectional or bidirectional motor adjustment. In this last case negative voltages will produce a rotation of motor in the opposite sense. Alternatively it is possible to limit the speed regulation only in the range 0..10V so that voltages lower or equal to 0 correspond to the stop of the motor. If needed the whole range of speeds can be also obtained with a 0..5V signal.
The speed reference can be obtained before the start of the movement or in real time, for a continuous adjustment of the speed. The speed variations always occur in relation to the aceleration and deceleration ramps.
The second analog input can be used, for example, to dinamically scale the operating range of the main speed reference, to set a minimum or maximum speed, to vary the aceleration and deceleration ramps, to change the current of the motor, etc..