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M1433040 Stepping Motor

M1433040 Stepping Motor The NEMA42 stepper motors family is enhanced with the new model M1433040, capable of delivering 29Nm of torque.

With a length of just 201mm the new stepper motor is the perfect solution for the most demanding applications that require high torque and small dimensions. In many cases, the motor can be used in direct drive mode, replacing the classic unit motor + gearbox, with important benefits in terms of cost and reliability.

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M1433040 Stepping Motor
M1433040 Stepping Motor
The NEMA42 stepper motors family is enhanced with the new model M1433040, capable of delivering 29Nm of torque.

With a length of just 201mm the new stepper motor is the perfect solution for the most»read more

3D Stepping Motor Models
3D Stepping Motor Models
Registered users can download 3D models of LAM Technologies stepper motors NEMA17, NEMA23, NEMA24, »read more