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Image LAM Technologies

LAM Technologies is an Italian manufacturer of components for industrial automation in the market for over 30 years and leader in the motion control field.

Our greatest satisfaction?
Solve your problems of automation!

Constant attention to the customer needs and continuous technological innovation have created a range of high performance products at competitive costs that are widely used in many market segments.

We sell annually tens of thousands of devices installed worldwide by the major companies operating in the packaging, woodworking, food processing, paper and CNC machine, textile, etc..

The extraordinary flexibility of the products and their ability to stay on the cutting-edge (for example through the free software upgrading) rarely make feel the need to resort to a custom product and, however, for customers who feel the need of specific technical features, price or size not available in the standard products, LAM Technologies is able to offer an efficient design service that quickly supplies to the customer optimal solutions.

LAM Technologies owns all the know-how used in the development cycle of electronic, mechanical or software and we are always committed to maintaining the high level of quality achieved.

Testing is performed on every single product, mostly with automated systems, for a thorough verification of compliance with the stated technical specifications. The values measured on each product are permanently stored in the company database. Through the only serial number we are able to accurately identify all the parts used (type, manufacturer, lot, etc.) and trace all the activities and people involved in the manufacturing of the product.

We are well-aware that maintaining our customer competitive means consolidating our success and that is why, year after year, we strive hard to provide stability in prices and availability of products from stock. Even in the hardest market times our customers know they can rely on a reliable partner, able to quickly find the solution to their needs.


Image LAM Technologies team

LAM Technologies staff is at your disposal to answer your questions and help you in the product selection, the operators will answer in Italian or English.

You can contact us by mail, by phone, fax or email.

In the latter case, we inform you that our company's servers are protected by spam filters that can sometimes erroneously rejecting a valid email therefore please phone us if you do not receive a reply to your email within one business day, thanks.


Viale Ludovico Ariosto, 492/D

50019 Sesto Fiorentino


To be used for the postal service and the shipping of goods

+39 055 4207746

You can contact us by phone from Monday to Friday in the following hours: 9:00 to 13:00, 14:00 to 17:00 (GMT +1.00). The operators will answer in Italian and English.
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