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Analog output for various applications

The 0-10V analog output present in the DS30 and DS5x stepper motor drives can be used to control an inverter reference, a proportioning valve or to supply power to a potentiometer.

The analog output does not have a predefined function and can be freely used inside the user's program for the most different purposes.

Additional Tips
Univocal indication for each anomaly
In the stepper motor drives belonging to the xS10, DS30 and DS5x series has been developped a special technique that allows to provide an univocal indication for each malfunction condition detected by the drive.

If the failure conditions are more»read more

Free UDP Commander
The configuration, programming and diagnostics UDP Commander software is free!»read more
UDP30 requires no power supply
The UDP30 programming and diagnostic interface is isolated and does not require power supply. Through the USB connection it is able to take the energy required for its own functioning.»read more